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The Vision of SOMA Robotics is to End School Shootings

SOMA Robotics - Protect the 2nd Amendment AND protect your loved ones from Gun Violence.

When your loved ones gather together, you should feel safe. They must BE safe! A tipping point will occur and we will lose our right to bear arms if something doesn't change.

What if there was an alternative to outlawing all guns in the US and also making us safer?

What if we had an alternative solution to gun violence that was actually safer when used in combination with responsible gun ownership and background checks? We do.

You see, safety doesn't require everyone having a weapon at all times. Or having armed guards everywhere. Why do people think that? To arm everyone without exception is like giving Barny Fife or Gilligan an AK.

Plus the cost of arming and training everyone would just be a giant tax on society. And sadly it would actually increase risk with more untrained people brandishing weapons.

What then? What is this magic elixer to stop school shootings and help respond to them?

What if technology could be used to preserve your life, your 2nd amendment rights, and keep your kids safe by preventing the next school shooting?

What if WE could stop, or limit school shootings ourselves?

Come on, we all know Washington DC won't solve it. Neither party will. Our politicians walk in lockstep like fools. (Lead in the water in D.C. maybe? But no creativity or bipartisanship.)

If you don't believe me, go visit your representative in DC personally to talk about gun safety and the increase of home grown domestic terroristm in the US. You have that right - so use it! 

While I do encourage you to do your duty as a citizen and talk to your representative, I know from experience it won't change anything. Not unless you bring a really big check.

Seriously, nobody is "draining the swamp", they only replace one swamp with another one. And most of us are sick of them. 

I'm from the party of George Washington, our first and only Independent President.

So who is going to stop school shootings? WE ARE. All of us TOGETHER.

And we can do it with peaceful resistance, using non-lethal technology, and working together.

Sounds crazy, right? 

Even Sandy Hook or Las Vegas didn't matter to the elected officials in Washington or even most state legislatures.

It is up to US, the average people, the 99%, to solve this. The 1% have body guards - the rest of us are just not something they care about.

With the right resources we can stop school shootings. If we get the message out, left and right and whatever can and should coalesque around a solution because everybody wins.

Especially the kids win. Nobody wants their kid shot! And we have the technology to fix this.

Come on, diving under desks as training for nuclear war in the 1970s was about as dumb as terrifying people with "mass shooter drills" in schools. 

And it can be done without taking away anyone's 2nd amendment rights. I own a few weapons myself, and I like knowing when I travel that my family can defend themselves.

Is it possible to reduce gun violence and preserve your rights, and in fact make our entire country safer? YES, it is.

But it will take resources. Yet I now know, after building four prototypes, that by using artificial intelligence and machine learning, combined with clever security robots, it can be achieved.

To Live Peacefully in a World Where We Retain Our Rights to Gun Ownership, and Can ALSO Gather Together With Additional Security at a Reasonable Cost. It's possible.

SOMA Robotics is building Security Robots that use non-lethal means to prevent, deter, or immediately respond in the event of gun violence. If it is threatened or occurs in a school, a hotel, a concert, your church, your synagogue, your mosque, the local pub, an outside rave concert or any other large gathering. Or even a small gathering of one person in the safety of their home.

SOMA Robotics builds security robots, integrated with your existing security systems or stand alone, that respond IMMEDIATELY. The response is achieved through the use of multiple sensors, human monitoring onsite or remote, or completely automated. The response to the attacker is targeted, specific, non-lethal and limits any possible harm in case of an error because it IS non-lethal.

Either through a web app, or can be turned on auto-pilot safety mode with escalations, to try and prevent a would be attacker.

Our children, our family, our friends, have a constitutional right to peacefully gather. In schools, in churches, hotels, nightclubs, NFL stadiums, school cateterias. The right to peacefully gather, and we're not talking some organized protest, we just mean "I should be able to go to church without an armed guard!"

We share your values.

In the age of clear bags at sporting events and metal detectors at schools, wouldn’t it be nice to walk into school or church or your place of business and feel just a little bit safer knowing that somebody has your back? 

SOMA Robotics offers security systems built using non-lethal AI-powered technology to help us fight, or hide, or run. Systems that are affordable, easy to install, and non-intrusive. An idea that gives all of us a fighting chance.

Who’s got your back? It's up to us.

I'm Ed Schipul, seeking investment partners, or a co-founder, to bring peace of mind to the people in all corners of the world. Let's talk.

Contact Ed Schipul about Soma Robotics